Welcome to the Engage Kalispell project website! This website will serve as a hub for engagement opportunities, questionnaires, outreach results, and draft documents related to the Kalispell Land Use Plan Update. Visit often, register for updates, and share this site with members of your neighborhood and community!
City of Kalispell Land Use Plan Questionnaire #1
Take the first questionnaire to share your vision for the future of Kalispell!
Tag the Map!
Use the interactive map to tag the areas of Kalispell that you love and the areas that are in need of enhancement.
About the Project
In May of 2023, the Montana Legislature adopted Senate Bill 382, which created the Montana Land Use Planning Act (“MLUPA”). Under MLUPA, ten cities across the state, including Kalispell, are required to adopt a new land use plan replacing their existing growth policies and update local zoning and subdivision regulations in accordance with both MLUPA and the land use plan by May of 2026. Generally, MLUPA front loads the planning associated with the growth policy/land use plan and allows for a streamlined administrative review of site-specific development applications. The opportunity for the public to be engaged comes with the process establishing the plan and regulations, not with review of site-specific projects.
The City of Kalispell has begun the process of updating the City of Kalispell Growth Policy - Plan-It 2035 to create a consolidated Land Use Plan and comply with MLUPA. The City is seeking public feedback to guide the update of the Plan. This page will be the hub for all public engagement opportunities realted to the Kalispell Land Use Plan update.
The intent of the updated Plan is to identify opportunities for the development of land within the City of Kalispell and its greater jurisdictional area for housing, businesses, agriculture, public lands, institutions, and the allocation of natural resources. The plan will acknowledge and address impacts of development on adjacent properties, the community, the natural environment, public services, facilities, and address potential natural hazards that may limit development in certain areas of the city. Along with the land use plan will be the future land use map that establishes the City’s expected jurisdictional area and future land use boundaries.
View the Existing Growth Policy and Land Use Map
Click the following link to view the existing City of Kalispell Growth Policy - Plan-It 2035
Use the webmap in the Resources tab to view the City of Kalispell Interactive Map.
Get Involved Today!
This section will be continuously updated with engagement opportunities as they happen throughout the project.
- Share your contact info to stay informed of upcoming events and new information.
Participate in the ONLINE ACTIVITIES:
- Take Questionnaire #1 to answer questions about your life in Kalispell and ensure the Plan Update considers as many perspectives as possible.
- Visit the Tag the Map activity to identify areas you love and areas in need of enhancement.
Attend COMMUNITY EVENTS: Attend a community open house and community or school events to learn more and share input! UP
Wednesday | March 12
- Drop-in Sessions | 7:30 - 9:00 AM | Sykes Market | 202 2nd Avenue West
- Drop-In Sessions | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM | Flathead County Library Lobby | 247 1st Avenue East
- Wednesday Open House | 5:00 - 7:30 PM | Bias Brewing | 412 S Main Street
Thursday | March 13
- Drop-in Sessions | 7:30 - 9:00 AM | Coffee Traders | 111 S Main Street
- Drop-In Sessions |11:30 AM - 1:30 PM | Eagle’s Nest Cafeteria in Blake Hall - Flathead Valley Community College | 777 Grandview Drive
- Thursday Open House | 5:30 - 7:00 PM | Depot Building | 15 Depot Park
Upcoming Events
Wednesday | March 12
- Drop-in Sessions | 7:30 - 9:00 AM | Sykes Market | 202 2nd Avenue West
- Drop-In Sessions | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM | Flathead County Library Lobby | 247 1st Avenue East
- Wednesday Open House | 5:00 - 7:30 PM | Bias Brewing | 412 S Main Street
Thursday | March 13
- Drop-in Sessions | 7:30 - 9:00 AM | Coffee Traders | 111 S Main Street
- Drop-In Sessions |11:30 AM - 1:30 PM | Eagle’s Nest Cafeteria in Blake Hall - Flathead Valley Community College | 777 Grandview Drive
- Thursday Open House | 5:30 - 7:00 PM | Depot Building | 15 Depot Park
City of Kalispell Planning Commission Work Session #5
Register for the meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Bb68rOeMTtSXyWFNsxmCoQ
This work session is the fifth in a series the Planning Commission will hold in the coming months. It is intended that the focus of this work session will be a discussion of portions of the preliminary draft land use plan. Future work sessions will be noticed and a formal hearing will be held before the Commission forwards a recommendation to the City Council for its action.
Project Timeline
You may be wondering, "How does the Growth Policy affect my community? Why should I care?" Use the drop-down FAQs below to learn more about what a Growth Policy is and how your input will be used to support the future of Kalispell!
Frequently Asked Questions
No, the Growth Policy Update will not change the zoning of your property.
The Kalispell Growth Policy is an official public document created and adopted by the City of Kalispell as a vision for future growth in and around the City. The Growth Policy is not a law or regulation, but rather a community guide for making land use decisions. The term “Growth Policy” is synonymous with "land use plan", “master plan,” “comprehensive plan” or “community plan.”
Montana statutes require that a Growth Policy be adopted and that the City Council give consideration to the policies and pattern of development set out in the Growth Policy. The Growth Policy is implemented through different methods, including the adoption of zoning and subdivision regulations and the making of public resource investments.
The plan is intended to reflect the economic, social, and environmental visions of the City of Kalispell, its residents and various stakeholders. It is, at its most fundamental level, a blueprint for the physical development of the community.
In May of 2023, the Montana Legislature adopted Senate Bill 382, which created the Montana Land Use Planning Act (“MLUPA”). Under MLUPA, ten cities across the state, including Kalispell, are required to adopt a new land use plan replacing their existing growth policies and update local zoning and subdivision regulations in accordance with both MLUPA and the land use plan. The land use plan and regulations need to be adopted by May of 2026.
Generally, MLUPA front loads the planning associated with the Growth Policy and allows for a streamlined administrative review of site-specific development applications. The opportunity for the public to be engaged comes with the process establishing the plan and regulations, not with review of site-specific projects.
The intent of the updated Growth Policy is to identify opportunities for the development of land within the City of Kalispell and its greater jurisdictional area for housing, businesses, agriculture, public lands, institutions, and the allocation of natural resources. The plan will acknowledge and address impacts of development on adjacent properties, the community, the natural environment, public services, facilities, and address potential natural hazards that may limit development in certain areas of the City. Along with the land use plan will be the future land use map that establishes the City’s expected jurisdictional area and future land use boundaries.
Yes, the Growth Policy is a “living” document, meaning it will continue to change as the city changes and grows. There will be opportunities to provide feedback in the future as well.